It was the best of times, it was the worst

  • It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,
  • but it was what it was, and what it was still is and ever shall be, world without end. But not without you." I was practicing my nihilist pick-up lines. Chicks dig me when I quote
  • my vague memory of Norman Bates during my awkward pick-up attempts. "Yes, we have a vacancy. Are you sure you want a room?" But gorgeous Tessa should have set my alarms off. She
  • Had a Hugo Boss Nazi uniform. Luckily for me, she saw the Fuhrer and ran off. I wouldn't allow a Nazi to stay at Bates Motel. Alfred Hitchcock took the room instead. He was filming
  • Reshooting Rope through Crispin Glover’s Eyes. Crispin would play the dead man in the linen trunk. Hitchcock meant to really do the one shot Rope was supposed to be. As the killers
  • were merely platonic friends, any suggestion otherwise was purely a product of the viewer's imagination. Hitchcock requested Glover reprise his character of George McFly for this
  • postmortem production of his, entitled "Hitchcock's Back to the Old Drawing Board". Crispin Glover was startled to find himself not only cast as George McFly again, but also dead.
  • In act, the storyboard showed him being nailed down with barbed wire and defecated upon. Crispin Glover wondered if he should call John or Danny for clarification on the film's
  • intended audience. Crispin Glover didn't mind getting shit upon for the role. He just wondered if the scene should be in a children's movie? Not the crucifixion but the shitting.
  • He could understand the spectacle of a crucifixion, kids loved that. Shitting was hitting them at home. They're shitters. The show must go on. He won an Oscar for getting shat on.


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