How many times I had envisioned this moment,

  • How many times I had envisioned this moment, never had I thought it would take the turn as it had. Would he really read the letter out loud in front of all these strangers?
  • Inhibitions unleashed upon the moment. Words have been said and statements have been made which do not undo what was not to be. Would the reaction be the same? or would it blend?
  • Olive threw the newspaper onto the table. Were cryptic crosswords getting harder or was it just her? She picked up the baby crawling on the floor & went to fetch her some milk.
  • The baby played blocks in the highchair. Olive turned back with the milk. He had spelled out "Panama," the answer to her crypt crossword! (Parents bound North American country!}
  • Olive smiled in delight. "Oh, you clever baby," she said and poured some milk into his baby cup. That was the last word she needed on the crossword. Now, she just needed to
  • coax the secret to time travel out of his ittybitty milky mouth. "Kootchie-Koo!" I tickled the reincarnation of Albert Einstein under his fat baby chin. Baby Einstein flung a glob
  • of goo across the room and said "Gah gah black hole. Da da atomic inversion. Ugh ttt time is a loop." "Hmmm" I said "I think Baby Einstein is trying to tell us to reverse the field
  • of gravity." Baby Einstein waved his rattle around. "In a rotating motion? I asked, my eyes & mind quickly expanding. "GAAAA!" Baby Einstein's head bobbed. Then he pointed to
  • his diaper and made a fist. Baby Einstein was trying to tell me something. I said, "Hungry?"
  • Einstein burst out crying. He may have been a genius, but even geniuses have bad hair days and what's the use of knowing everything when the world is just not ready to understand?


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