They were certainly an odd couple but they

  • They were certainly an odd couple but they could relate on a number of issues. E.T. & the Alien worked well together, E.T. would pretend to be helpless & frightened while the Alien
  • would eviscerate passersby. The Alien would also steal Reese's Pieces from 7-11s by hiding in the Slurpee machine until closing time. It loved to shoot pieces into E.T.'s
  • nostrils with its tongue. Too often though the Alien dropped acid and left holes in the floor. Their first date was almost ruined when ET kept insisting that he phone home.
  • Things loosened up after each had a couple Mos Eisley Cantina specials. One thing led to another and ET and Alien ended up necking in the corner. Which took quite a while because
  • the alien was facehugging so hard that ET couldn't fit the straw to his gargleblaster into his mouth, and he'd ordered a small vat of gargleblaster. The regulars in Mos Eisley Cant
  • ina watched in amusement as ET & the alien struggled. Now THIS was pure entertainment! A series of mmmrrps, eeeengs, frrrrts....then BOOO-IIING! The gargleblaster straw flew past
  • at the speed of light. That gargleblaster straw was going somewhere fast. That made me wonder, as I watched an alien & ET fight, if I was going somewhere fast. Their ships were rig
  • Ged to help the aliens, since they already had Astronomy degrees from who knew where. Not that it matter, just that humans were stupid by comparison. Professor Z was amazed at how
  • at how these creatures could be so advanced yet so solitary. What humans had was thought, and empathy. The Aliens, however, were geniuses, but lacked the thought of feelings.
  • But they were both cursed with thoughts of superiority to the other, and in the end, that is what destroyed them all. However, after they were gone, the planet was peaceful again.


  1. SlimWhitman Jun 03 2017 @ 03:05

    E.T. was in it so it had to have a happy ending, or was it?

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