ARPB Board minutes. January 12, 2013. Council

  • ARPB Board minutes. January 12, 2013. Council member Jones presented his proposal for impeachment. Charmain Donnely yelled and threw a chair. Bailiff Stuggart restrained Chairman
  • Donnely orderly. Board adjourned till Council member Jones stops being such a jerkface. Minutes: Chairman Donnely. P.S.- The Allocate Reanimatrons Posthaste Bureau Board needs cash
  • , Johnny Cash. Specifically, the Allocate Reanimatrons Posthaste Bureau Board would like to hear Ring of Fire if at all possible.
  • They wheeled Cash's body into the studio and hooked up the EKG. The doctor injected the serum and we heard low monotones of 'Jackson' but no 'Ring of Fire.' "5 more CCs stat!"
  • This was the end of an era. The decline in the quality of music was too much for the record companies so the whole industry collapsed. The independents saved their own skin.
  • This was the end of an era. The decline in the quality of music was too much for the record companies so the whole industry collapsed. The independents saved their own skin.
  • but we will never know what is going to happen next after this war, but now we can leave alone and no more problems coming soon. or are they?
  • "They are" said Earl. James Earl Jones, specifically. He did a sick front flip and the ground he landed on died, (because the flip was so sick, he was contagious.)
  • Later there was a funeral for the ground however there was some debate over how to go about it. It seemed offensive to bury the ground under the ground so they settled on a viking
  • ship, to be cremated and join the glory of Valhalla! Of course, modern age vikings are more hip, so they just did some techno-dancing on the ground. A send-away that was oddly nice


  1. Flopp Oct 11 2017 @ 16:26

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