"Hahaha." laughed Slorbnx. "How in the Four

  • "Hahaha." laughed Slorbnx. "How in the Four Drinplngs is that supposed to work? A planet orbiting one sun with a dark period? Dream on Notwen!" Notwen's antennae retracted glumly.
  • Notwen retreated to his basket lab, contemplating the physics of dark periods. "I must have miscalculated Slorbnx's formula." Notwen felt ashamed that he'd disappointed his mento
  • commercial director. Notwen wanted to be in the Mentos Commercial so bad. He'd dressed in rainbow colored overalls and so
  • Looked like zombie #534.
  • Smelled like zombie #534. Eeked & screeched like zombie #534. We were having trouble deciding if this was zombie #534 because he was supposed to be in the Senate, not here in Ozona
  • Perfume Shoppe of Beverly Hills. I called the Senate office and asked if Senator Zombie #534 had showed up for work that day, and sure enough, he hadn't. (He never did, anyway.) So
  • I called Zombie #534's manager and told him to fire our little Zombie friend. He certainly doesn't deserve the job, and I, a much harder worker, am looking for one just like it.
  • Later on I got the news: Zombie #534 had indeed been fired! I rushed over to his former manager to thank him for the move. But when he took a bite out of my neck, I regretted havi
  • ng even thought about trying g to deal with the management. I returned to my corner, a little more than frustrated. What had ever possessed me to apply at an un dead office?! Well
  • if you can't beat them, join them. I took my gun out of my desk drawer and escaped into the disabled toilets. My hands shook as the cold metal nestled under my chin. BLAM!


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