Doctor Joe discovered a new element with

  • Doctor Joe discovered a new element with atomic number 753. It was somehow stable and non-radioactive. It also had.incredible properties which enabled
  • the person who touched it, to become glow in the dark. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of the new element was not having the ability to taste or feel emotions.
  • Which was great. I don't want to feel emotions. Not since my 6th birthday party. Instead, I pretend to feel emotions. Every hug I give, I proudly give in a sort of cold, automatic
  • manner like a high speed manufacturing machine whose metallic grip embraces each product for a split second as it zips past then tosses it into a bin. My cerebral emotionlessness
  • Was something I lived with since I spent one night in Bangkok. I went there expecting to find meaningfulness and instead I found just the opposite! It made me humble, for sure, to
  • see those words, written on paper by the hand of a blind man, so nicely formed and well-spaced, about the hidden city of Uqbar and its best eateries. On the flight from Bangkok,
  • I wondered whether the blind man's note would lead me to the treasure trove of well-spiced delicacies I'd been searching for. Imagine: Uqbar, a city of cuisine so splendid that
  • kings and emperors sent personal tasters and merchants every year. The note led me to the lower parts of Uqbar, right near
  • the famous whorehouse The Eager Beaver, which had made Uqbar city famous in the first place. I was looking for a different kind of treasure though. The note clearly led this way
  • ,down a shadowy path running through the labyrinth of run down houses and shacks.I followed it,feeling weaker with every step.So close now,this had to be it.Then my legs failed me.


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