Tony checked the fridge. There was plenty

  • Tony checked the fridge. There was plenty of beer and soda. The rave lights set up around the room and deejay stand were at perfect spots. He couldn't wait for the party to start.
  • An hour later, no one showed up. The pizza was getting cold. The floor boards rumbled. He looked at his invites and realized everyone whooping it up with Mrs. Fish in 317, not 417.
  • Realizing the truth, he gasped dramatically and declared: "It was Mrs. Fish, in Room 317, with the pizza wheel!" Utter silence. A dab of tomato sauce still clung to the shiny blade
  • They all laughed hysterically. What a great party game. It was Cluedo but for real in their house. He licked the tomato sauce off the pizza wheel, but it tasted like blood!
  • "Never order from a pizza joint run by vampires," he sighed. "You just can't trust the sauce." The mood of the party soured, and muffled sobs were heard. Then, a chant of "TO-GA!"
  • echoed across the area. 'TO-GA, TO-GA, TO-GA MORTALS AND DESPAIR!' He realized that Dracula house heard his comment about their pizza sauce and were coming. He and his friend ran
  • as fast as they could to the exit of Dracula's mansion, but they found it barred by a vampirized version of John Belushi in Animal House, as well as the rest of his fraternity
  • , Delta Tau Chi. The various nerds and rejects, in their zombie form, rushed towards our heroes, who froze in terror, just like when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.
  • There was only 1 thing the fine gentlemen from Delta Tau Chi could do to save themselves. "TO-GA! TOGA, TOGA, TOGA, TOGA, TOGA!" they shouted in unison to the zombies. Music
  • swelled in the background in an unsetteling, way. This was the theme of the zombie king, Toga Jones; and When Toga Jones crawled out... Let's just say the party ended rather soon.


  1. smashysmashy Oct 31 2015 @ 11:57


  2. Chaz Oct 31 2015 @ 12:14

    Happy Halloween!

  3. PurpleProf Oct 31 2015 @ 12:42

    Mrs. Fish in Room 317 interests me. She and her bloody pizza wheel!!!!!

  4. SlimWhitman Nov 03 2015 @ 03:47

    Perfect halloween story! PP your awesome, heck you're all awesome!

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