My name is Katrina, and I'm destined to be

  • My name is Katrina, and I'm destined to be a criminal. I was born and raised by criminals, and am the average screw-up. I'm fourteen and am already running from the law.
  • My first crime was trying to give New Orleans a bath. Now I write story folds on the lam, running from town to town with my criminal carny parents. Did I mention my name's Katrina?
  • I had a pet fish named Nemo, but 1 morning he was found frozen in his bowl. I also had a cat named Sandy, but she ran away. Writing on the lam has some perks though, like
  • hopping a freight car with my trusty dog Payback. She was a tempermental beast, prone to biting those she mated with. We'd been on the run together for 'nigh on 3 years now and
  • it was time to take Payback to the fancy grooming salon on King George Street. Thankfully, our fortunes had changed when I discovered an antique gold watch in
  • the hand of my dad's war buddy. The war buddy had come to my house when I was watching cartoons and told me about my dad who'd died in vietnam and the gold watch that he had
  • Bought at Dishwalla Jewellers. I have that watch on my wrist now and it still works. Mr. Patel agreed it was worth quite a lot. I had Vietnamese neighbours who shared homemade pho.
  • It wasn't Pho King pho but it was pretty good pho, for sure. I loved to throw in the lemongrass and jalapenos and sometimes I got so excited I jumped in there with them but I then
  • took a chiding from Lemongrass for not washing 1st. Yes, in Asia you wash before you bathe. Jalapenos was a hot little pepper & we have a Pho King good time in the hot broth until
  • we are swallowed, digested, and turned into part of a human being. It is only then that we looks back at our innocent days and weep for what we didn't know back then.


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