"shut up!!" he yelled at his annoying grandmother

  • "shut up!!" he yelled at his annoying grandmother that he had just addopted the other day. he hadn't quite gotten used to having her around and she would not stop talking
  • "In my day, they had a pork hock barrel, and they put it in a paper sack. Five for a dime!" His new grandmother was born in Beverly Hills so he had no idea what she was on about.
  • but he figured she was on about 50 pills of Vicodin. She also churned her own Heroin Ice Cream and Waffle Oxy-Codone-cones. I went to Grandma's house for dinner but woke up 8 years
  • in the past--I forgot Grannie's house was a Tardis. "Shit," I cussed, "2004 looks pretty much the same as today. What a revolting development this is." Among the things that
  • disgusted me were political corruption, pollution, corporate exploitation of communal natural resources, and NBC's midday lineup. What really impressed me about 2004
  • were all the new car models. The 2004 Hugme, however, was never released to the public. Could not pass crash standards. Too bad, because its one key feature was floor mats that
  • were designed to massage your feet whenever you needed it. I wondered if this meant that cars could really read my mind, and even if that saved lives, the privacy issues were just
  • immense. I blushed to think of the thoughts my car had read when I drove round Hyde Park Corner in rush hour. It didn't need an oil change at all, it needed me to rethink my stinki
  • ng life. Driving round and round Hyde Park was no life at all. I patted my intelligent car's dashboard, stepped on the gas and said, "Let's get outta here!" My car drove me
  • to Kensington Gardens, but alas ,it was dusk--access denied! In a last ditch effort my Chevy drove me to the levee, but the levee was dry. Bye-bye...


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