It's a dreary Sunday afternoon, and Martha

  • It's a dreary Sunday afternoon, and Martha has been starring at a blank screen for two hours.
  • You see the thing is, Martha is too old to know how to work the television. So there she sat, just staring at the blank screen..
  • Martha's medications played tricks on her mind, however & although her TV was off, she thoroughly enjoyed "watching" Wheel of Fortune for hours! Pat Sajak was her special friend
  • ship Leprechaun. Martha's sparkling visions were fountains of images of her and Pat Sajak in a shiny green suit smoking wee pipes and clicking their heels together in joy at a
  • shimmering new golden PS5 with 64 GB of RAM and a 3TB SSD. Martha and Pat Sajak danced around the mystical device, but were demoralized to find that GTA XXX wasn't due out until
  • January 2018. Little Bubba wanted one now! They had promised him it as a Christmas present in 2016! Little Bubba could never take no for an answer, so they consulted
  • the learned men that gathered in the courtyard of the Temple of Venus as to what they could do with Little Bubba's refusal to No for an answer. We didn't want to give him that toy.
  • So they decided to demote Little Bubba to Tiny Bubba, and then to put him in the wine. This made the learned men feel happy, made them feel fine, made them a little stupid, as well
  • as inventive. “Bubba is so gassy, we’ll be enjoying champagne after he spends 3 days in the wine!” But after 3 days, the wine wasn’t bubbly. Instead, stuff resembling Tootsie Rolls
  • were wriggling out of Bubba's bloated corpse.


  1. LordVacuity Jun 15 2019 @ 03:31

    The wine of the gods is heady stuff.

  2. Woab Jun 18 2019 @ 10:05

    Toogs, I was glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee when I read your line.

  3. Toogs Jun 18 2019 @ 12:16

    Sometimes the dark side of my sense of humor comes out. Haha, sorry for going there

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