Tell me about your home, Maximus. Tell me

  • Tell me about your home, Maximus. Tell me about your dream.
  • My home is the park, down by the riverbank, north of the inner harbor. My dream? It is extremely violent. I stand at the foot of the hill and very large women bowl me over with
  • Winning lottery tickets everyday and some takoyaki drenched in ratatouille sauce. I was a quiet guy by the river bank but I wanted this dream so badly. I decided to go to the store
  • My Dreamstore was located behind a crazy labyrinth inside my mind. I figure it is the same with everybody although I have no idea why I figure that. I think I am 13 symbols short.
  • I know 13 is so random. The actual number I was thinking of was random but when I looked it was 13. Which is why I think I am missing 13 symbols. If you keep that in mind you might
  • more readily also keep in mind that when I was thinking about you I was being random and you were the result. I am not saying you are random but you are. You don't need to read any
  • Tibetan Book of the Born to know all circles outgrow their centers. you>random>you>random>orange>random>you're orange>random>manipulated>you're red>random>you... My mind was full.
  • yes, full. It was. full of random orane red manipulated exotic fruits from around the globe. The orange kumquat. The red mango.The jackfruit. The magodurian.
  • But all the fruit in the world could not fill the hole in the soul of the world. And so full of exotic juicy goodness. We set out with a new host Herkimer. He is anti-fruititarian.
  • The dried mangoes massaged him just right so he ate dried fruit. Then the mixed berries eased his foot pain, so they were hired. It was better than Epsom salts, Herkimer quipped.


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