Larry was the misunderstood Stooge.

  • Larry was the misunderstood Stooge.
  • He was the stooge that had been touched by an uncle, and that is why Larry
  • spent the majority of his time in the bottle. He hadn't found the bottom yet, but more than a few mornings in the gutter had taught him that
  • he should always bring a roll of toilet paper and a change of pants when he goes out drinking. The next night,
  • he had the same problems again: he forgot to take a roll of toilet paper with him, so he
  • just held it in. The first few days were fine aside from a couple of suspect movements, but it was about a week in that he began to get worried. Surely someone would help him soon?
  • He waited and waited with his hand still stuck in the crevice. He refused to give up. think, think, he told himself. How do I get out of this situation? what would Moses have done?
  • The heat finally got to him. "Moses supposes his toes are roses..." He saw Gene Kelly dancing in the rain. His arm still stuck. He whispered "Make them laugh..." The sun beat down
  • , his parched tongue felt thick, and stuck to his palate. His arm would not come free, and he knew he had mere hours to live. Futilely, he called out, "Help! Jesus somebody help me
  • But, it was to no avail, his watch ticked to signify the time, the time it had all ended for him. His life, his entire life, undone by this one event.


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