Alain made ink from a cinder. "I implore

  • Alain made ink from a cinder. "I implore you, Monique, please rescue your desperate cousin! Mme Crieucq has made me her love slave while squandering my inheritance. I have not a
  • Euro to throw in the water fountain". Monique had her own love slave problems and ignored the request for Euros. Mme Crieucq and Alain plotted to steal Paris the city of love
  • back from the Turks and their cruel leader, Rod Stewart. He ruled with an iron Rod Stewart, which was a walking cane tipped with an iron statuette, a Cubist rendering of a youthful
  • Patrick Stewart made one feel a little vertigo when staring at his Cubist rendering from a right angle. Rod Stewart needed this painting in order
  • To give his then new house something from the 20th century. Four years later, the painting was stolen and replaced by Louis XIV showing off his beautiful legs. Ian Stewart placed
  • the Sun King above his mantle. A Scott could always appreciate a man with nice legs.The 6th Stone weighed 15 Stone now from too much Haggis & Ale. Ian expected Lips to ring any sec
  • ond to second for him on the morning's duel. Lips was haphazard like that about his honor. Ian nipped a bit of crumpet and then sent her away when Gian Carlo & Respuigi barged in w
  • -ith Aunt Viv, who had recently taken up whoring and was currently enjoying being the fresh face on the block, even though she looked like a catcher's mitt. Gian Carlo & Respuigi
  • were still in the bad business, beating up men on the street, avoiding police, and committing other crimes such as tax fraud. They hadn't made contact with Viv until she began to
  • send smoke signals demanding her share of the take. It was only until she set fire to Manhattan that they relented. Viv took her $$, went to college & became a lawyer. True story!


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