FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Solution? Make Porky Pig sausages. He'll have a harder time glaring at you when he's reduced to several juicy rashers of bacon. The only thing that makes it better is
10doctors, in fact, the place looked as if it had been abandoned, with empty wards gathering dust and the only sign of life being the occasional mouldy sandwich. I drew the curtains
12She put her hand over his heart. Then he put his hand over her hand over his heart. Then she put her other hand over his hand over her hand over his heart. Then he put his other
10to find a princess whose cheesy kiss could restore me. My fold was sent to the ICU where its bloatedness from too many puns and irritable vowel syndrome was treated. The bill
11look a gift tree in the knothole and said "Very well. I will spare thee. I wish for three acorns that will grow into a tree the instant I throw them on the ground." No sooner said