FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
19Nonplussed. I could stand up to the scrutiny. I had nothing to hide & I knew it. Still it never hurt to really know what you are up too and I took it as a sign of personal growth.
13His life was a simmering stew of chainsaws, beef jerky and wrong answers. That's why he was so happy when
10Some stories have all the luck. Some stories get all the breaks. Some stories have all the pain. Some stories do nothing but complain. Woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo
10rty next minutes. The sparkling water flushed out of the WC & soaked his legs. They became smoother & chubbier... younger. Had Spencer found the lost fountain of youth?
12Instanbul Night 3: Went to a Hamam.My flea infestation is gone but so is my tattoo. The scrubbing took off more than dead skin.Ouch! Noone wants my electric blankets. Cash is low.