FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10All the living beings of the ocean were invited to the party. The predators, their meals and the meals of the meals. The kind of party you can't tell if you'll get out of it alive.
11A Poem About My Mother - Humble,sweet,but often dreary/My mother is a soulless fairy/Beneath her lips,color of cherry/Three blackened teeth,a tongue so hairy/
10But his false French accent could not hide the simple fact, that no matter how hard he scrubbed, no matter how feverishly he polished, it was still just a bumpy turd.
10It was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was doughy, compact, had a long shelf life. Sure it was squishy but is also cheap. People didn't love it, but they bought it. It wa
11deficiency meds!" Lets be honest, I liked the fact that he had no mas pantalones. We drove 4 hours, &wound up in Valpo. Damn I knew I should've taken that left turn at albuquerque.