FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13How could she have known that dinner would be pure poultry in motion? Mrs. Butterworth spent so much time on the bottle, the turkey took her totally by surprise. Her funeral
10"Mon cher, tu sais que je ne peux pas vous le dire. Mon entreprise est top-secret. C'est pour votre sécurité. Trust me," he replied. She frowned at her date, looking puzzled.
11with sequins. Glitter bomb the Chopper and his stupid rambo-esque name! Rambo. Now there was a man who could appreciate the finer things the jungle has to offer. Like glitter.
10Frankîe tripped over a small customer with his clubfoot & his tablet with whole pork crashed into a chandelier & fell on the cheese trolley. The maître d' called him a dumb waiter
12How to Erotically Caress a Nose. 1) Breathe. Breathing's important. 2) To avoid startling the subject, approach from sideways on. 3) Position the nose at a 50 degree angle. 4) Shak