FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
1115:22, Dr. Moodle finished demonstrating his Past Grabber, able to selectively project the most critical events of yore. E.g.: Titanic Captain's burp after his last meal, Kennedy's
10, being figments of my overwrought imagination, never irritate me because I can always switch them off. My FS imaginary friends all live in a big house, saying witty & erudite
10had addled his mind. A common side effect of time travel. He spun the dial on his machine in a final desperate attempt to return to the present. He closed his eyes and hoped.
10delivered cold. She was the conservative type, and she was very perceptive; not to mention easily offended. I suspected that under that prim-and-proper exterior, though, lie a
10us in a hypnotic progression of thought bubbles. Queen Taenia and I are united in consciousness by the sentient tapeworms that we both carry. Every waking moment we share our