FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10of course climbed the third. "Bugger this Bramble of Buggery." Was the general consensus of the travellers after a rough ten minutes. "Let's find a nice Fern of Fondling instead."
14GOL-DEN SHOWERS!!!, four calling cards, three freedom fries, two English muffins, and a broken down VW microbus in my parking lot. The carolers all looked expectantly at the closed
13"Think you'll like it out here, kid?" Lucca hollered up to me from the lower deck. I threw the rose to him. He caught it, laughed and tossed it to the rain where it landed in a rai
11"Siri, can you find me a Thai restaurant around here?" "Get bent! What am I? Your mother? Can't you read a map? "
12The discipline of the high has always escaped me. How can one truly enjoy working while blasted out of his mind, or truly enjoy his high while numbing his mind with work? Luckily