36"The 3rd person plural present active subjunctive of the verb do, dare - or what you get when a shopping cart hits your car." Who thinks these things up, thought Marty. It's like
44She yelped with pain after being struck by her master. The Labrador glanced back up fearfully at the drunken man. He spoke garbled words that were angry. The man stumbled forward a
29Zed raised the Crystal of Knowledge, a gem the size of his fist, into the light. As he admired its scintillations, Arthur Frayn warned him: "That one don't go in the forehead."
32Bart was tied to his mother's apron strings since birth. This became problematic when he grew to over six feet tall, his feet bumping along clumsily behind his mother as she
50This morning, when I woke up, I had a stomp of a headache. I thought it might be a lack of sugar in my blood so I quickly scoffed down 10 packets of Rainbow Drops and
42It lay dormant in the root cellar for years, curled fetus-like into a ball and buried under old comics and cobwebs. Years later it woke, its metamorphosis complete, the stubby
32"Turn the music up," he shouted. She could hear his voice through the thin walls of the apartment complex. Who was he shouting to? The music suddenly got ....
52Nigel was so gleeful that the business man had asked him about the power outlet he was sitting next to.
43Ritz bits are amazing. I especially love the peanut butter flavored ones.
25Luke was walking down the dark alley home late at night. He had just came home from a party when a howl of a wolf was heard.Attempting to get home as fast as possible he ran.Then..
31But being wealthy, Nate chose to eat carrots instead and twat made all the difference. We suffered from a severe case of vitamin A poisoning. Wis skin has brigwt orange and
40The big day was here, it was now or never. My parents were driving I was in the backseat. I was listening to my favorite band on the radio trying to stay calm how was I supposed
33He stares ahead, frozen. His heart beats at the speed of light. The gun sits in the palm of his trembling fingers. "Oh lord, what have I done?" he thought anxiously.
17"How was your day today?LOL" she typed. I eyed the message, unsure of how to respond. I could reply pleasantly with a lie, or I could tell her the truth, that at this moment I
35Once upon a time, well, present day, there were two old Apple 2E computers from 1983 that sat side by side in Rob's office, with dusty covers over them. They were in love. "Baby,
50All this time I thought the song was "Cheesesticks" not "G6", w/this new found enlightenment, I started 2 rethink other things 2. Parachute pants R still cool, right? Skinny ties
40"John!", "John!". "Get over here this instant!" "NO!"
31There once was a girl named Emily. She was in college and became frustrated during her reading class. You see, they were told to use technology and she just wasn't good with it.
24"Just do it!"
45"W-w-what d-does he eat?" "Strays mostly. Cats, dogs, hobos and the like." I petted my dragon with pride as my friends cowered in the corner. They were but pawns in my epic fantasy