So I was a bit boorish & off putting, insulting
So I was a bit boorish & off putting, insulting & inflammatory, cut a few corners - well flat out lied, but now I'm all better & will be an perfect angel from now on,forgiven, kay?
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"And you think you can accomplish your mission and return to the Fold?"
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"Yes, sir. I will return in no time at all." Little did "sir" know that she was actually a potted plant in disguise, trying to get information from the league of humans to see why
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their assigned henchman had not been round to "water" them in a while. She waited for the Sir, to walk off before letting her roots free of the pot. "Ok, you heard the caper."
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"Olive capers! Those are my favorite," said one gardener to another. The little plant shriveled at this revelation. Tired of being picked on, it crept out of its pot and
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transformed into a lady before the gardeners' very eyes. Scared beyond their wits by a flower becoming a human, the gardeners ran away.Rumours sprang forth of a sorceress living in
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Hollywood. "You hear about the lady who moved in across from the H?" "No, who is she?" "No one knows, but she's talking smack about Susan." "That witch!"
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And indeed she was a witch, a Hollywood witch named Hagnes who lived by the H and wanted to die by the H, but the county ordinance did not allow huts on the hills of Hollywood, so
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Hagnes and her friends Hagitha and Haggernathy set up huts in the Valley. The three hags hoped that they could stay for the next witches sabbath. The Great He-Goat greeted them
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With the hag-seeds to be planted at the solstice. They were organic seeds and heirloom as well. The three hags would have to plant them once. Yes, miracles do happen! End.
- Started
- 2016-08-19 18:08:33
- Finished
- 2016-12-24 07:59:10
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