Geoff was polish, he was an immigrant. Entered

  • Geoff was polish, he was an immigrant. Entered UK in 1900 and reproduced. This was not good, he likes UK and didnt like poland He was going to blow up russia and hurt kim jong un

  • so when he arrived in England, fresh faced and rosy cheeked, ready for a new adventure, he was immediately met with animosity from those who could see through his shallow disguise.

  • He was very busy, trying to find a job and he could not find one. until.

  • He created a need for his tarring prowess by taking a jackhammer to Route 50 every night. "I accept handsome payments and pretty pennies only," his bumper sticker read. The mayor

  • is a player, BOO-YAH!" His bumpersticker choice was subpar. He once had a bumpersticker that said, "I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a wild bullrider!" There was a truckstop in Redd

  • itch which had a live webcam & he was addicted to it. He'd log in and see people order bacon butties with mugs of strong tea & wonder what their bumperstickers could be. Redditch

  • 's webcam voyeurism yielded additional benefits. He was astounded at the number of people he saw pulling their wedgies out from between their butt cheeks! Redditch thought that wa

  • S a sign of sickness, culturally. The webcam was disconnected and shattered into 3,964,258 pieces. The vacuum was too small to pick up everything at once. It took 4 tries to get to

  • first synapse. They stood as far as they could leaning out from the dendrite waiting for the next snap over. When it came it was into a memory from her adolescence in West Texas.

  • She was pregnant and waving goodbye to her boyfriend, who was leaving by train for Hollywood where he was sure he'd become an overnight sensation. She never saw him again.



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