At the Boar and Chicklet, Angelo Trotter

  • At the Boar and Chicklet, Angelo Trotter spoke from his fifth pint. "We're all just tips of icebergs, you know, exchanging fragments of spiderwebs." Meanwhile, at the dart-board,

  • Truckses Mortigams discovered that if he crossed his eyes he could will the darts to hit the bullseye. He took another pull of absinthe. Orly Chudham confided in bartender !Xabu

  • Blabu which was a total meat head mistake because Orly Chudham had the flappiest gums this side of the

  • corner shop, the one on Graham Avenue. On the other side of the shop Chudham's gum flaps were far surpassed by Mr Enrico O'Grady's who kissed the blarny stone aged 8 & hadn't stopp

  • ed his gob for one second since. In fact, O'Grady's pie holes were so popular there was a queue out the door, around the corner, past the intersection of Graham and Hershey, and

  • down Main Street. If only the people in line went a few miles south to Sidewinder, they'd see a little shop that also sell's O'Grady's pastries with that "special" secret filling.

  • Ohhh-ho-ho-hoooo....O'Grady's secret pastry filling was to die for. Of course, being a blood relative of the O'Grady's, I knew the secret recipe, which is why I had to hire

  • Nona and Squawker's eyases, including Elizabeth, to deliver the secret recipe. Elizabeth had just learned to fly so Nona gave her directions. It saved me a bundle.

  • Have you seen the price of pilot birds these days? 60 dollops a day plus expenses plus some charged a surcharge if it was migration season. Luckily Nona saved me that expense.

  • A most unusual girl, Nona could turn herself into a pilot bird, which she willingly did. Unfortunately she could not change herself back into a human. She flew out the window.



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