The time-machine wobbled to a halt. Fat

  • The time-machine wobbled to a halt. Fat Thelma couldn't wait to see Charlie Chaplin in person! She called her home station in Germany back in 1942 on the bulky transmitter.

  • "Are we there yet?" the kids in the backseat of the time machine whined. "Shush," I scolded, "I'm on the phone with my boss." I told my boss that I had made it to Chaplin's home

  • "Here it is" I exclaimed to the childrens. They all ran down the street carelessly to Chaplin's home. I loved their enthusiasm. I knocked the door, No one opened, I knocked it hard

  • but still nobody answered. I decided to see if the children where out back, so I opened forced open the rusty gate and was amazed at what I saw. A pink and purple cow...

  • was grazing in the lawn outside. It moo-ed and turned its beautiful large eyes towards me. It almost looked as if it was asking, pleading me for something; what? What did it want?

  • "I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it any more." I gulped. The voice was in my mind. The cow winked at me. I think. I walked up to the cow and

  • stared into her deep brown eyes. "And stop squeezing my t**ts every day!" the voice in my head said., "And eat more chikin." OMG. A telepathic cow. I smiled at her and rubbed

  • Her ears. She lifted her right hoof and pointed towards the house, which was on fire. The fire department came to her and thanked the telepathic cow for her diligence. They quickly

  • had her slaughtered and barbecued in celebration. Strangely though, within a week all of them were dead from a mysterious disorder that made them think they were a cow getting slau

  • ghtered. There was no blood, they had died of fright. Burger King bought their remains and made them into burgers. Pretty soon no-one was left but vegetarians. Like me.



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