Snow fell, igniting her alabaster skin and

  • Snow fell, igniting her alabaster skin and coal black eyes with a fire unseen since our kiss. The trouble beneath faded away as her tongue caught a snowflake. Winter loved her as I

  • saw her burst into flames. She was made of pure sodium and when the water molecules hit her, her head lit up like a roman candle. I pointed her at the School Bus, now it was

  • Show Time! The busriding bandmembers blared out a Souza-like march at the sight! The sodium girl was forever taunted thereafter as the "Morton's Salt Girl"

  • Once, we went to visit her to get her for an early morning road trip. We woke her up; she had overslept. So we watched TV while she got ready. After a few minutes, she

  • began to sing in the shower. She did a mean Henry Rollins when covered in suds. At Halloween she covered herself with El Marko pseudotattoos and shouted at the top of her lungs.

  • It was her way of escaping from her mundane existence as a quality assurance operative for a paper clip company. She'd ended up taking a job there after

  • the fiasco at Lehman Brothers. It wasn't her fault! She thought paper clips would be give her the attachment she craved. But it wasn't enough. She needed the excitement of

  • sticky tape with its intoxicating glue and heart stopping plastic. if only she could wrap her self in its warm embrace and indulger herself with

  • just a few quick huffs of Elmer's finest. But she knew in heart that was a road that would lead to

  • "I am so sorry." in the morning. Been down that road too many times in the past, and now was not the time to start messing things up by



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