Finished Folds (1—20)
5bloodletting it with leeches. She applied the blood suckers to the horn, and they began to swell and sparkle. The unicorn panicked. "They're taking my power!" But it was too late.
7instantly killing Governess Maria. Mother Superior rearranged her habit and said , "How do you solve a problem like Maria? With a booby trap! Rolph laughed. "You took care of her!"
4threatened to lacerate his nearly naked form. He slowly drifted closer and closer to the sharp reef edge. Suddenly his calf was slashed. Blood in the water. Shark infested water.
2flew over Metropolis, until they reached the Hall of Justice. Suddenly, Christopher Reeve opened his teeth, losing his hold on her blouse. She plummeted toward the reflecting pool.
2himself, for he had never learned urinal ettiquete. Instead of going to the farthest unit from the peeing man, he sidled up next to him, and made small talk. "Seen any good movies
1they decided ot use the pingpong table for a better purpose -- a sweaty makeout session. Just as Floyd got to second base, the lights came on. Beulah's Dad was staring angrily.
2left the room. Only Elvira remained. The sounds of the Lynyrd Skynyrd cover band brought back memories of being a Groupie, before she started dating Alabama. Yes, all of them.
3Mayor McCheese stared at the election results, horrified. How had he lost an election, after 40 years? At that instant he resolved to stay in power by any means necessary.
2"What the Hell is in an Ornage Julius, anyway?" The customer was clealry a torublemaker, so Inez threw him her most savage look. "You want one, or not?" She began tapping her foot.
3Before helga met Pierre, she had been content to tend her Holsteins in Alpine Meadows. But when the bereted Frenchman walked into her meadow, everything changed.
0flew in the window and punctured my enromous boil. Oh, the relief!
6meeting up with Reggie, we headed over to the Malt Shop. That Bitch Veronica was there so of course Archie got all goo goo eyes. So I broke my malt glass and lacerated his jugular
3Coca-Cola bottler. Our relatives call us the Coke and the Joke.
2the morning she would fire up the shoe carousel and start up the web cam. The pair that received the msot votes would be her choice of the day. Her male fans always picked stilleto
3that had been. The fake moon shot was staged in Studio 7A at Paramount. If you look closely when Neil jumps, you can see the wires and the Reynolds Wrap cerration on the left boot.
4restitution was now. I was beHeinz schedule, no time to con DeMint. Which was unfortunate because I hate that Senator, and it was a Gulden opportunity to make him say "Hell, man."
5they weren't nice fries anymore. They had skin on them. I didn't pay a dollar to eat potato skin. I reached across the counter and grabbed the nearby spatula. "Order up, Bitch!"
3but when blood oozed from beneath the bathroom door, I knw that the Kohler Killer had returned to Neenah. I opened the door and saw the carnage. Bludgeoned by a chrome handle!
2"Dog hates Slags!" It made sense in a way because the rabbi was Reform, and female. The priest grabbed the poodle and the golden candlesticks and ran for the door.
4commemorated her birthday each year with a national celebration of diversity.