I went down the list. Amsterdam? Nope. Tangier?

  • I went down the list. Amsterdam? Nope. Tangier? Nope. Nashville? Nope. All cities I had been banned from. My love of violent mutant girls and "trucker speed" had cost me

  • everything. My family, what little friends I had, even my relationship with my mother, but it was all so worth it. The prospect of living a life of freedom under my own rules was

  • worth more than family, friendship, love or whatever cheesy moral I had been taught by countless Hollywood movies and fortune cookies. At last, I would make the rules, I would rule

  • The rules in the universal was really negative but I will make it sounds funny to convince to people follow the rules. Although, I didn't make decision yet , it will be secret.

  • Plato sighed. How would the world know about his AMAZING, URGENT thoughts about the rule of law and government if they didn't read The Republic and learn that he, Plato, was the

  • lover of democracy, (scratch that), that he, Plato loved aristocracy in disguise. There is no democracy without solidarity, and the existence of the word "unprivileged" proves it.

  • In the same manner, the existence of words proves that Plato likes to hear himself talk. About Platonic solidarity, because he couldn't get laid.

  • Yeah, Plato would have come up with scads fewer platitudes if he had been able to score some tail. He'd be doing more interesting things in that cave of his than just thinking, but

  • good tail, tail you can take home to meet mama, was hard to come by; as young and scholarly as Plato was, when it came to be negotiating for the kind of tail he so richly desired,

  • he invariably found himself high tailing away with his own tail between his teeth. Never daring to tell that tall tale about how small his tail failed to scale the whale. A wail.



  1. LordVacuity May 08 2020 @ 23:15

    Consider this a warning. I'll just leave this here. https://voca.ro/i7h0cjICrzv

  2. Woab May 11 2020 @ 17:16

    Were we talking about Plato or Pluto?

  3. LordVacuity May 11 2020 @ 18:14

    ¿Porque no los dos?

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