"Cabbages for Babbages, eh?" Charles was

  • "Cabbages for Babbages, eh?" Charles was delighted and patted his stricken friend on the shoulder. Tesla muttered, "Sanskrit, gematria? This cannot be!" His eyes emitted excess qi
  • pao interest.So,Charlie found out almost by accident that his BBF Tesla had a thing for chinese girls in silk dresses.The girl in the green qipao held Tesla's
  • attention. He really liked that dress. It was so bright, silky, and -- well, green. Charlie wasn't sure whether he should be happy. At least the dress was what attracted Tesla, not
  • his pencil thing mustache, not his pencil thin schlong. He adjusted his collar, popped and suckled on a mint and began walking toward his impending doom. He had no way of knowing
  • the overweight bus driver of bus 32 to Shoreditch travelling via the M20 would scratch his bottom at that precise moment thus letting go the wheel and sending the bus swerving into
  • the comedy car of clowns following us. We were in a kidnap situation. The 32 bus terminates in Edgware. We were heading south on the M20 towards the Channel Tunnel & ... FRANCE!!!!
  • But once we were in the chunnel we were locked in. We'd gone right where the Comedy Clowns wanted us. Admiral Ackbar yelled, "It's trap!" I punched him with butt of my bazooka
  • , right in the man bazookas of his chest. Ackbar couldn't repel firepower of my magnitude. The Comedy Clowns had set up the chunnel like Wonka's ride of despair. I lashed out again
  • with my cat-o-nine-tails, which I stole from a passing pirate. I wasn't very good at whipping, and accidentally hit a passing man, which unfortunately turned out to be the King of
  • Pain. Yes, that's right! Sting gently took the whip from me and kissed me passionately. I swear that every little thing he does is magic.


  1. lucielucie May 29 2013 @ 06:37

    He's a menace in the Chunnel, is Sting.

  2. PurpleProf May 29 2013 @ 06:47

    He certainly is! I know all about Sting...in my dreams.

  3. mensaque May 31 2013 @ 13:42

    I had a dog named Sting...he was just as gorgeous.Looove Sting! Both of them!

  4. BlastedHeath May 31 2013 @ 22:04

    RE: qipao -- good to learn the word -- and I had forgotten about those!

  5. mensaque Jun 01 2013 @ 13:54

    That proves you can learn from Google,and the story turned out great...The "qi" caught my eye.What did you have in mind?

  6. BlastedHeath Jun 02 2013 @ 09:12

    Qi, as in qigong -- crackling out of his eyes like a Tesla coil. ;-) Qipao was a completely unexpected and cool continuation.

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