"As you can see, the graphical analysis of

  • "As you can see, the graphical analysis of the distance above sea level for Mountain Dew fizz from the time of pour to the time of fizz-out yields surprising results. For one, the

  • total meatheadedness of my jock factor was reacting with my muscle milk quotient and Sugar Ray cd collection." But the nerds would not accept Trevor. There was no way a non-nerd

  • could join their nerd clique of smoking pot, reading webcomics and cussing over XBox Live. Trevor was once again ostracized. He thought he could become friends with ostriches next.

  • When he discovered that ostriches had become extinct, he became distraught. He stopped leaving the house and did nothing but read doom-and-gloom weblog posts. One day, Trevor found

  • a website selling ostrich eggs for gourmet consumption. They were probably cloned in a lab & infertile but hope returned to Trevor to rescue the extinct species & he hatched a plan

  • as carefully as an ostrich would hatch an egg. If he was going to bring back Dinosaurs, then he, Trevor Johnson, would do it right. Not like in the Crichton novel, that was pure

  • intellectual masturbation, no: Johnson would breed them himself! He checked the sperm-count one last time, took the Tyrannosaur-egg out and

  • went for it.His hands started to sweat."Steady,Johnson.",he thought,trying to get a better grip on the egg."Tyrannosaur-egg...".How did he get into this crazy situation? Maybe

  • He watched jurassic park too many times? His doctor thought so. Propaganda films are popular by design but cause brain rot in children, he wrote in his diagnosis. Not too late for

  • him. Unlike me. The doctor put down the pen and notebook, and proceeded to walk around like a T-Rex, roaring slowly and beautifully for the dramatic effect. He even had tiny arms!



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