Storage Unit Five waited

  • Storage Unit Five waited

  • for what else was a storage unit to do when not in use. "An empty storage unit is a depressed storage unit" was not a well known saying for nothing. It was the cold hard truth.

  • Are you insane asked someone I don't want to know life is so depressing for a

  • second I wondered where that thought came from in the back of my mind it was like a committee of stream of consciousness cardinals that I confessed and they judged me to be

  • a blue jay-walker as I crossed the street mid-avenue block and flipped the bird and even though I thought that was a little out of proportion to the situation I kept silent until

  • Billilily stopped the truck, without even bothering to pull over. He stomped right over the the jay-walker. "Wha you bey doin, jay-walkin down dis here streyt?" I spoke up to defen

  • defend the jay-walker, pointing out Billilily had already run him over, so dude got what's coming to him. But the truck driver was adamant: "Damn sumbitch still twitchin, aint he?"

  • The traffic police were called to settle the matter. The Deputy said, "Let's do CPR and find out." Traffic was blacked out and horns honked all night, geese honked too.

  • The deputy listened to the geese while he was doing the CPR. The geese were talking all at once. The geese honked:"..attacker...tusks...syringe dripping blue...gasping in rasps"

  • He was unsure on CPR for geese.Were there noseholes? Should he pluck it to free up the chest? So he cooked it w/the defibrillator.Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.



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