If I do well on my exam,

  • If I do well on my exam,

  • I will pass my last class. If I pass my last class, I will graduate. If I graduate, I can get a good job. If I get a good job, maybe Ashley will marry me. If Ashley marries me,

  • I wont have to do dishes. If I don't have to do dishes, I can watch football, if I can watch football, I can become a chubby blob. If I become a chubby blob, Pringles will cease to

  • exist, if Pringles cease to exist, Bob will die, and if Bob dies Susan will be heart broken, and I Susan is heartbroken she will blow up a

  • gasoline tanker!

  • Aircraft carrier! Rubber raft! Vespa! Sputnik! UFO! Tricycle! Grandma's strange uttering scared the neighbors, but she was really calling her cats. The snow was coming and they

  • didn't cope well with the cold. Grandma called again. The cats appeared from amongst the trees and she set to work sorting their mittens and slippers for them. "Just stay still",

  • said the cats in unison, sitting the old lady down on her favourite armchair. 'We don't want you to hurt yourself again, do we?' The woman gazed up in rememberance as the cats paw

  • continued to bat playfully at her chin flaps. It reminded her of her years as a professional tether ball player. Those were good times, back before all these talking cats showed up

  • and revolutionized the game by adding levels & water obstacles. But mostly the talking. They added chatter to tether ball play that she as a voiceless rescue couldn't compete with.



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