Because of my shoes. I'm wearing today. One

  • Because of my shoes. I'm wearing today. One is called love. The other is pain.
  • This walk called life. Is too short and too long. One step brings joy. The next misery.
  • These boots. Once walked. Now they straddle the crack. Of life. One boot in heaven. One in hell.
  • My hands ache. With each stroke. Of each key. Every time my weary fingers brush them. They mock me, those keys. With their boxy keen edges. Watching, waiting for the right moment.
  • But I won't give the keys the satisfaction, Nope. I put a photo of the keyboard on my mirror, everyday I train, and get ready, I stare at those keys and crack my knuckles.
  • I was ready to sit at my keyboard for an entire day without touching them. It was the only way to get past my haphemania. "Spill Doritos crumbs on us, make us filthy," they begged
  • hungrily. "Push us, make sense of the world through us...your only true friends." The temptation was great, but I resisted touching my possessed keyboard. I ate all of the Doritos
  • in my anxiety. I was falling back into old habits. I had only just recovered from my last lyposuction, and I didn't have enough money for another one after spending it all on
  • Love Your Perfect Opposite counseling. LYPO's advice had sucked. I hated my twiggyness . I regarded a cheetoh and implored it to return to me my velvety folds and sanguine bovinity
  • but nothing. "Son of a bitch!" Until the full moon. "Oh." I returned to my true form of the vampiric cow! I stalk the night, stealing the milk from other cows' udders. "Um, what?"


  1. lucielucie May 31 2013 @ 14:41

    My fold was from the chorus of Lithuania's Eurovision Song Contest entry this year, composed & sung by Andrius Pojavis. I love the Eurovision Song Contest so much that I might be a gay man trapped in a woman's body. http://www.eurovision.tv/page/multimedia/videos?id=87333

  2. PurpleProf May 31 2013 @ 19:28

    He's HOT, LucieLucie!

  3. lucielucie Jun 01 2013 @ 01:43

    I'm only interested in his genius as a lyricist, PurpleProf - tho' his waggling eyebrows have their own cult following, I believe.

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