He was fat and Avant Guard which meant that

  • He was fat and Avant Guard which meant that he needed
  • an audience who wouldn't understand him, but appreciate his obesity as an art form. Harold struck another pose, raising his chubby leg over his head. "Oooooh" the audience murmured
  • as someone got up from the their seat in the life drawing class to get a larger piece of paper. Harold wasn't shy about his curves and enjoyed the attention
  • . His psychotherapist recommended he become a life model as sketchers fixate on the rude bits, drawing them unfeasibly large and so boosting self esteem no end. Harold had perked u
  • and you knew it. You had never been perked so well in your life and you wanted to be perked again and again and if Harold wasn't going to do it, well, there were more fish in the
  • other guy's pail, and soon Harold would be off duty. You decided to lay low in your tank, biding your time but soon the smell of fish had you up and performing for the four o'clock
  • show. You weren't into fish bits. You'd prefer something live & meaty you could sink your 4 rows of teeth into, but Sharkorama wasn't a venue you 'selected'. Just then Harold
  • Pointed out the similarities between the shark on the Jaws poster in 1973 and Hillary's face when she smiled and cackled simultaneously. Harold said, "See? She once was a shark!'
  • "I don't think so," I informed him. But I think her shark teeth face definitely was the inspiration for that movie "Teeth"...you know, where the woman's vagina has teeth and bites
  • right through the incoming man meat. They call it Bobbit's disease. Her case was particularly severe as she also had femme bot disease, where her boobs were machine guns. Misandry!


  1. Jimbeau Feb 17 2017 @ 16:17


  2. Rebbie Feb 17 2017 @ 19:17

    Glad you liked it. I couldn't help it . It went so well with yours. Fabulous BTW.

  3. inatick Feb 21 2017 @ 21:45

    a rather pervy folding story and could be made into a porno script

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