"No," Lloyd murmured. "I don't think I'll

  • "No," Lloyd murmured. "I don't think I'll ever get over you." "Well TRY!" Lisa said. "Here, let me help you."
  • Lisa promptly started having sex with Charly while Lloyd watched. Bob got it on with Linda. Cynthia shtupped Esmerelda. Susan and Pat had a Jamaican Sundae with Walter while Emile
  • builds a bonfire, Enrico plays with it. We were playing games without frontiers - war without tears. It was a knock out.... or maybe a Halo death-match.
  • Anyways, that's how I play Shoots & Ladders, Sorry! I hope it doesn't Boggle your mind. If you don't understand you should get a Clue.
  • I don't care if Othello argues that the names are Snakes & Ladders or Cluedo! Guess Who cares? I wouldn't Risk my Life to say who. It is a clever Mouse Trap Operation designed to
  • Monopolize the Checkered Memory of the Rail Baron. Sensing Trouble on the Eastern Front, I booked a Ticket To Ride on the Orient Express to the Chinese Empire, but I was Sorry!
  • I Brainstormed, searching for Clues. My Cranium hurt, but finally I learned of the Settlers of Catan and their Chinese-Checkered past. It was no Trivial Pursuit but quite a Smess.
  • "Balderdash!" I cried in frustration, & accidentally Spit on the Pai Gow takeout. "You Pig!" my girlfriend said with Spite and Malice, "take your Gin and Go!" "I'm not Sorry!" I ye
  • lled, "I'm glad this Charade is over. Anyway I've been sleeping with your best friend - she's a Top Trump" "Oh Hell!" spat my (ex)girlfriend, "I'm going to go Bezique!"
  • And she sprouted wings and flew to Bezique, and on her flight, collided head-on with a commercial airliner headed for Africa. Her body parts greeted the ocean.


  1. 49erFaithful May 28 2013 @ 11:56

    Looks like Sorry! wins.

  2. PurpleProf May 28 2013 @ 14:13

    I always said relationships were like playing games. Uh-huh...

  3. lucielucie May 28 2013 @ 15:01

    A game where the dog ate the rules & no-one remembers how to use the Get Out of Jail Free Card.

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