"Gather round, children, and hear the tale

  • "Gather round, children, and hear the tale of the creature that roams these hills, half-man, half-ape, half-Psittaciform, known by many names, but by most as Sasqwawkers, the Demon
  • Parrot of Fleet Street: fierce & furry as a grizzly bear, bearing fierce talons - fine as venomous Viperidae fangs, sharp as razors. "How about a shave?" screeched Sasquawkers.
  • Parrot of Fleet Street agreed and perched on Sasquawker's barber shop twig. Sasquawkers made light chirping conversation whilst placing a hot towel on Parrot of Fleet Street's face
  • to sooth his little beak. Sasquawkers suddenly realised he was quite attracted to the Parrot of Fleet Street, and moved in for a cheeky kiss, but the Parrot was having none of it
  • See, Sasquawkers was no ordinary bird. As the younger brother of everyone's favorite parrot, Squawkers, Sasquawkers had big shoes to fill. Since Squawkers had all the attention gro
  • wing up, most everyone only saw rare and unverified sightings of his brother Sasquawkers. These sights were so rare, that Squawkers could not recall the last time that he actually
  • him, but carries around a blurry picture of his brother with Sasquawkers written on the back of it. Squawkers decided it was time for a family reunion and started a facebook event
  • . Uncle Squeakers uploaded Sasquawker tracks from Snettisham mudflats & Squawkers covered Sasquawkers lonesome tune. It was the only time they sang together for this bird had flown
  • the coop and was never heard of again. Rumor has it, eyewitnesses in the Snettisham mudflats occassionally report seeing the fabled Sasquawker or its tracks on cold, rainy nights
  • and hearing Sasquawker's mournful rendition of "Yesterday" in the foggy distance. And they wonder if he is real... or just a figment of their wishful imaginations...


  1. sundancer May 29 2013 @ 22:53

    Perfect. :-)

  2. PurpleProf May 29 2013 @ 22:54

    I believe this one will have to be continued...sniff, sniff...

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