The countdown to year 2112 had lost its strongest

  • The countdown to year 2112 had lost its strongest digit, so Neil decided to nip the Solar Federation in the bud. He traveled to the Temples of Syrinx with a guitar and

  • a counterfeit Sector visa. The In-Take Agents didn't seem to notice. Once inside the Corridors of Serenity withing the Temple he took out his guitar. In the guitar was

  • the heroin. He shot up. Only a little. He needed the deal to go through. That's why he smuggled it in the first place. But more than that, he needed to forget

  • . At least he thought he did. He was to the point where he was sure there was something he didn't want to remember but he wasn't sure what it was. Maybe one more bump, just to

  • settle it and satisfy everyone but that thought was just to scary for him to approach now so he waited and then...

  • pulled out a water gun right as the cop noticed him. "BANG!" he said, squirting the cop. The stunned police officer reached for his gun, and without thinking fired a bullet

  • at the man, hitting him full in the chest. Blood began to seep into the man's white linen shirt, spreading like a budding rose. The police officer couldn't believe what he'd done;

  • "Jesus," the Officer began to back away. "I... I'm so sorry." He realized that his actions might cost him his job if the Chief found out about this. He then took out his baton and

  • twirled it expertly, his years as drum major rushing back to him. Officer Henry performed his signature air hump salute. They watched with morbid fascination as the Chief walked in

  • & offered the same salute in return. The Chief's hip hurt though, so he muddled the form & had to try again. Officer Henry was a sport, and they air humped each other continuously.



  1. SlimWhitman Jul 29 2012 @ 03:11

    Offficers are hip?

  2. 49erFaithful Jul 30 2012 @ 16:48

    I think this is what's referred to as a 'dark comedy'.

  3. m80 May 28 2013 @ 12:03

    This story is in FoldingStory Illustrated Vol. 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdAkkIB1YkE

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