There was that damn noise again! I pulled

  • There was that damn noise again! I pulled out my power drill and made another hole in the drywall. It was like a smoke alarm beep followed by a skittering sound. I searched for the
  • instructions that were written on the back of the doll's house but it was illegible. Instead someone had scraw;ed a nasty message warning me not to interfere with the order of the
  • repentant tenants. 'Go Away!' ... 'We don't want you here!' ... 'We're not worthy!' ... and other such scribblings. So of course, I took the doll house into the backyard, grabbed a
  • FAMAS with red dot and extended mag with the perks warlord pro TBAGGGER PRO which allowed him to tbag dead enimesd 50 feet away and NOOOOOOOOOBTUBBBER PRO which noobtube more
  • Noobs ofcourse. But then I realized they all had flakjacket pro. Which aloud them to reflect any explosive or fire damage. I had Ghost pro on which allout me to not be seen by
  • anyone who really mattered. I was invisible to those with true grit. Sure, my parents, my boss, my lousy girlfriend, they could see me, but people who didn't give a good God
  • Almighty, great balls of fire couldn't see me. Which naturally made people think my parents, my boss and my lousy girlfriend were insane. They eventually had to take group therapy.
  • After listening to them confess how guilty they felt for their treatment of me, I decided to turn the therapy session into a seance & lifted the shrinks toupée will vocalizing
  • the lyrics to Spooky Little Girl Like Me, as I was pretty sure the shrink and all of "them" were zombies, despite their seemingly heartfelt apologies. The seance/therapy session
  • continued until the police kicked in the door. It turned out to be another of those investment scams. I can't believe I fell for their promises. I must have had my brains scrambled


  1. PurpleProf Jan 13 2013 @ 09:30

    Zombies' Spooky Little Girl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io8m64Ys1Ts Jerry Lee Lewis' Great Balls of Fire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IjgZGhHrYY BTW, is it against FS rules to post links here in the comments section?

  2. inatick Jan 13 2013 @ 09:35

    I am going to go and tell my mum. You are in big trouble now.

  3. PurpleProf Jan 13 2013 @ 09:43

    ;) Well, apparently...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hlMi6PvUDE

  4. SlimWhitman Jan 13 2013 @ 09:45

    Hmm... just read through the rules. Rule #11 might apply. I make sparing use of external links in the comments - but I guess that youtube is a commercial site. I'll ask FoldingStory folks...

  5. PurpleProf Jan 13 2013 @ 09:50

    OK...thanks...yeah, there are usually ads that pop up before the videos too, so I'll refrain...guess I'm in a classic rock mood this morning.

  6. Chaz Jan 14 2013 @ 01:25

    I think the concern is spam ads that have nothing to do with the topic. Example: That was swell! Did you know you can buy great socks at WWW.sockittome.COM? All the cool kids are there.

  7. SlimWhitman Jan 14 2013 @ 15:48

    Those mustache socks are pretty swell. I wonder if they have a pair with Det. Manatee pattern.

  8. 49erFaithful Jan 14 2013 @ 16:52

    They've got a design-your-own contest... Who wouldn't love a pair of Manatee P.I. socks for their birthday! Also, everyone should go here. http://foldingstory.com/u/49erFaithful/ Highly recommended. NINERS!!!

  9. SlimWhitman Jan 15 2013 @ 10:49

    Crazy. They're manatee sox. I think a light purple or blue background would be better. Oourse Det. Manatee has a cane and a monocle...

  10. noah Jan 15 2013 @ 12:17

    Hi all. No worries on posting to Youtube videos. Manatee Sock links on the other hand... Thanks for folding!

  11. PurpleProf Jan 15 2013 @ 12:22

    BUSTED! Ok, we'll play nice. Thanks Noah...

  12. Zetawilk Jan 16 2013 @ 01:19

    I can see how they'd get annoying...but I honestly don't click them. Especially not YouTube links. Ever since Google bought it out, that site's been giving me some severe issues. Plus it's just a fashion parade for commercialists posing as random people. Even if I've done twice the work, I don't even have half the views. The media just wants to take it all over, like they can just take back all the messages they've imposed upon our psyches. They want no responsibility for the undeniable truth that it takes a village to raise a child, and they're just as responsible for our turn-our inclinations as the other socializing agents in our lives. But they don't want responsibility. They want to be rich and project their world-view.

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