Turgid Stoat didn't really enjoy his days

  • Turgid Stoat didn't really enjoy his days off from protecting Wolverina Puckeridge, although of course he made a pretense of it for her sake. He wandered aimlessly through
  • the moor, following his charge through bog after endless bog. "Blasted heath" he muttered under his breath, extricating his left hind leg from a sucking morass of slime. "When I
  • get my hands on that Nahum, I'm getting out of Connecticut like they got the color out of space." He found he could use the golf club as a paddle through the bogs, and his shirt
  • (his pink Lacoste shirt), he heisted up on a stick like a sail to help push himself through the thick Connecticut bog. Bare-chested now, he felt like a manly man. Nahum was his mot
  • t's applesauce, the sweet appetizer for the ultimate PBJ prize that was the Hartford J.Crew outlet. This Connecticut bog was his veggies, a mild but necessary inconvenience. Torso
  • 's taste best when dunked in buttermilk ranch," said the Cannibal. The Cannibal had come to Connecticut on a student visa.
  • The Cannibal set to teaching the locals of Connecticut how to add long pig to New England cuisine. All while doing his PhD and volunteering at a homeless shelter. What a great guy.
  • The Cannibal claimed his Uncle raised free range long pigs out west which he provided to the New England Seafood restaurants when local fishery stocks plummeted. Noone asked questi
  • ons after six angry restaurant patrons were found boiled to death, plated on beds of parsley w/lemon & butter, and partially consumed. But cannibals are bamboozling hornswogglers.
  • I'd sworn that I'd never take on another cannibal as a sous chef after the previous incident but I'm too good-hearted and see where it leads me? I'll never get a Michelin star now.


  1. Zetawilk Jun 30 2014 @ 10:57

    I was inspired by the phrase "blasted heath," because at the time I'd just recently read H.P. Lovecraft's "Color Out of Space," and was surprised that I actually let myself be creeped out a little by reading it. His stories tend to take place around that Massachusetts-Connecticut-Rhode Island trifecta, don't they?

  2. Chaz Jun 30 2014 @ 14:27

    "The Dreams of the Witch House" prime nightmare material.

  3. Gibber Jun 30 2014 @ 14:32

    Yes, HPL lived in Providence, RI.

  4. m80 Jun 30 2014 @ 23:54

    I think there are a lot of Lovecraft fans on FS with all the "Cthulu" references. I still remember being not just a litte, but totally creeped out the first time I read The Dunwich Horror when I was a kid. Speaking of Dunwich Horror, here's another Lovecraft-referenced story to finish, if anyone is so inclined: http://foldingstory.com/43sty/

  5. Zetawilk Jul 01 2014 @ 00:15

    I have my suspicions that most direct Cthulhu references may be influenced more by popular culture than the source material. I've yet to read through it myself.

  6. lucielucie Jul 01 2014 @ 07:53

    So if Foldingstory isn't an HP Lovecraft self help group, what am I doing here?

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