"Now cough." [ha-choo!] "I said cough, not

  • "Now cough." [ha-choo!] "I said cough, not sneeze." [Urrrpppp] "No, no, no. COUGH!" [Phffttttttttttt] "Dammit!" Dr. Wife threw her stethoscope on the coffee table, irritated by her

  • apparent failure in dog-training. Her poodle picked up the stethoscope in its mouth and brought it over to her again, wagging its tail hopefully. Dr Wife decided to make one last

  • trip to the market for arsenic. The poodle had lived through 10 assassination attempts previously. How like Dr Wife's late husband, Dr Husband, leaving all the cash to the dog.

  • The dog was good at saving the money but only had a life span of 10 years so in the end the money reverted to Dr. Wife who laughed manically. "I win! I really...

  • ...really deserve to get the money I gave that penny pinching dog, back. So, he's gone and died, I got to toast him

  • over an open flame until his bodily oils caramelized. There's a certain feeling you get, standing alone on a mountain, toasting your best friend. The stars twinkle above you, and

  • the wildness within you awakens. You roar excitedly. Returning to the open fire, you sample dinner from the giant, rotating skewer. "Hm, tastes like chicken."

  • Then you grow a mane and tail acting like king of the beasts. The leader of the pride says, "wait a minute. Who told you to stir up trouble?" You take off your mane and realise its

  • a fake and slap it back on. Uh oh. Did I just commit a faux paws? You wonder. You dash to the back of the pride and hope none of them notice. The leader growls

  • Show tunes and you have to appreciate her ardor even as you make plans to kill her at the first opportunity. Right now though you need her to kiss her.



  1. Rebbie Jun 02 2017 @ 12:57

    A lot of murder on the brain in here. I'm just gonna go that way. (sneak, sneak, sneak)

  2. pinky Jun 02 2017 @ 14:47

    ...sneak, squeak (ops!..giggle), sneak. I'm right behind you Rebbie.

  3. Woab Jun 02 2017 @ 14:52

    Hey kids, don't leave without your chicken-like sandwiches!

  4. Rebbie Jun 02 2017 @ 14:53

    Us little rodents might be able to find a hole to wait the mayhem out in.

  5. Woab Jun 02 2017 @ 15:22

    Can I come too, being a rodent, myself? I'll make new sandwiches that are full of wood chips so we can gnaw as we wait.

  6. Rebbie Jun 02 2017 @ 15:57

    Bonus! The more the merrier. (gnaw, gnaw, gnaw)

  7. pinky Jun 03 2017 @ 02:04

    Narf! I love me a wood chip sandwich! I'll bring the Jolt Cola..."all the sugar and twice the caffeine"

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