Once upon a time there was a beautiful butterfly.

  • Once upon a time there was a beautiful butterfly.

  • His name was Felipe, and he was a fickle and flighty fritillary. He frolicked and flitted from Rose to Lily.

  • Felipe flit so much that one day he got itchy.Red blisters erupted &he was moody & bitchy."Oh scheisse! Diseased am I!" Felipe admitted.His doc simply nodded; Felipe was committed.

  • He would see it through, no matter the cost to his health. "I'm already damaged goods", admitted Felipe. "I might as well make my death useful. Let them test their anthrax. Didn't

  • use my brain for anything before, might at well do something with it." There was a cold grip on his heart when Felipe said this, knowing that Felipe didn't find his life worthwhile

  • the others would most certainly doubt his mettle. Felipe let silence fall, stared briefly into their eyes, winked, smiled and did a perfect swan dive off the top of the Birj Kalifa

  • . The others watched as Felipe fell gracefully through the air in flawless form before disappearing into the thick Dubai traffic, below. They did not see if he crashed. They only

  • knew they couldn't flee the country until his insurance paid out, and that meant not being tied with their patriarch's death. Mumbling in Mumbai, they disavowed Felipe's death had

  • really happened. They tried to lay low waiting for the insurance money but the police were investigating. The police cornered the couple at an opioid den by the bridge.

  • They surrounded the opioid den with everything they had. Snipers across the street. When the couple came out the police found out they had cornered the wrong couple. Recriminations



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