What will come of this monstrosity? Who will

  • What will come of this monstrosity? Who will believe my terror? Maybe I eliminated the only believer. Gone. Like a thief in the night but I am the one who stole. Stole the belief.

  • The one belief. The true belief. The belief beyond beliefs. And I stole it. Who would believe

  • That Me of all people would have the greatest satisfaction of all.

  • 2
  • twinkies are freaking lovable but at the same time they can be hated... especially if you eat way too many.

  • I ate way too many. I feel bloated. Like I have cream center. Injection molding was never meant for food. Blah. I think I'll just drink some red bull and eat some smarties and

  • Or see a dietian.

  • But my doctor already told me there are no dietary restrictions. I should just use caution and not "overdo" it. During treatment I tried to eat healthy anyway, and I refrained from

  • biting my nails. I cut them and kept them in a small pot until I had enough nail trimmings to make an omelette. My doctor was so pleased with my progress at my next consultation

  • that he gave me a sticker. "You're a fantastic patient." The man said excitedly, waving a syringe around. "Not many people can stop themselves from biting their nails." The doctor



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