I remember the greatest achievement of my

  • I remember the greatest achievement of my friends. It was degenerate, chaotic and technically illegal but it was so fucking beautiful.

  • It was the most daring mission: go to Belle Delphine's house and steal all of her patented gamer girl bath water. The perfect heist? They thought so. But they did not expect

  • to find the shocking surprise left by Belle by the front door. They had no idea what to do about it and debated whether they should retreat. Eventually, Rob suggested

  • they eat it. It seemed like a crazy idea at first, but all the guys knew Rob had a sense about these sort of things. So they chopped it into pieces and each ate a portion. Rob said

  • "Whoever got the anus, you're in for a ride." Nobody claimed getting the anus. There had to be anus. Then he remembered he had grabbed one off the tray when he came. I must've had

  • Assnesia. But now I'd gotten to the bottom of the problem. But as he'd formed a assembly of men, he decided to put them to their use. "First one to bring the ass of a god to me..."

  • Four and a half years Waak'aupuumaakaa show up with the ass of the Thunder God Ted. He found that he was the last of the Chosen to return. Everybody else had brought a god's mule.

  • "Here we have the winner!" shouted the judge as he lifted Waak'aupuumaakaa's fist up over his head. Clearly, the ass of Ted the Thunder God had beat the mule entries. A golden

  • calf was rewarded to Waak'aupuumaakaa and he and his ass worshipped it. Little did Waak know, God was angry at him and was ready to reap what Waak had sowed. The stadium was

  • full to bursting with the worshipers of the Golden Calf. Waak'aupuumaakaa stood before them at a lectern. He spoke to them in simple sentences. He was the voice of the Golden Calf.



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