In the Amazon male Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus

  • In the Amazon male Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus use electric fields to attract females & light up the river like an aurora. Luc watched Eva's expression soften & blew on her neck
  • erchief. "Why are you huffing on my scarf, Luc?" Eve asked questioningly. Luc, a world expert on electric fish, immediately put a battery on her tongue. Eve was entranced. She'd
  • heard of electricity, but never actually tasted it. But after a few seconds, the disappointing truth occurred to her: electricity tastes just like chicken. Her dinner plans were
  • totally ruined. Her guest were expecting her dinner to be extraordinarily out of this world, and electricity, the focal point of her meal tasted just like chicken. What to do?
  • Potato. Heaps and heaps of potato in its many varieties. Pulverized! Fricassee! Fried! Smashed! Sliced. Potato. She set to work, and her guests barely noticed the chicken flavor.
  • And then she woke up. She tried to remember her dream: something about a potato she thought, and a party. That was it! A potato party. She couldn't
  • fathom being out of the dream, so she drunk some more liquor and went back under. This time was different though, the potatoes were all handsome men shouting pick-up lines at her.
  • She felt like a movie star walking in front of a construction site. She held her head high and looked away. The sidewalk turned into a red carpet. Cameras were everywhere, the
  • throngs or press and news people all screamed for her attention, to get her to come over for an interview. She indulgded one overzealous crew, yet walking over to them she tripped
  • on the escalator. Catching her heel, she tumbled down infinitely. Legend has it, if you go to the mall, you can still see her this very day.


  1. zxvasdf Apr 12 2015 @ 19:35

    Everything tastes like chicken. On another note, I've been to that mall before

  2. KieferSkunk Apr 14 2015 @ 12:41

    The Tumbling Potato Chef! The world's newest shopping mall attraction!

  3. lucielucie Apr 14 2015 @ 13:29

    She felt like a movie star walking in front of a construction site-- ha ha I love that feeling!

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