It was a quiet Tuesday evening at the Continental

  • It was a quiet Tuesday evening at the Continental Inn on Hwy 27 near Littleboro. In the piano bar, Dave offered a spirited medley of Chopin and Beyoncé tunes for two salespeeps who
  • were celebrating an unusually large take-home from their latest debacle. You see, Charles had convinced the VP of Westchestshire Unlimited that sequins were back 'in'. Drinks had
  • been universally modified to accommodate the fad. In fact, it was common to add the decoration to straight pours. "Johnny Walker Blue w/sequins!" became a common request amongst
  • The Bedazzled. They were beautiful people & while drinking their sparkly whiskey they twisted themselves to catch the light. But The Bedazzled had a dark secret behind the shiny
  • facade. All that is gold does not glitter.You see, if you spell Bedazzled backwards, it is Delzzadeb. Yes, that's right, the lesser-known demons of light. The Delzzaded fooled
  • elderly women who would be eligible for retirement in a better economy & spent the better part of their evenings reading erotic fantasy. Delzzadeb confused them with lame PC puzzle
  • s. Delzzadeb was getting more and more confused in her old age. She forgot where she put her coffee. She would hobble into a room and forget what she went there for.
  • Old Miss Delzzadeb’s hobby was blogging about how to make "mah dna eseehc shciwdnas" & crocheting “seiliod".Noone knew what she was talking about but she was an internet sensation
  • .She was internet's Ihcinvad. Ms Deyyadeb's macrame stringcheese dna was twisted in the lefthanded direction. Some avid Dan Browners were conviced her recipe for Neerg Sgge dna Mah
  • was just a cheap knock-off of something Notla Nworb had made famous on his show "Doog Stae". The Doof Krowten had a long PR battle ahead of it, but as they say, "Emit si Yenom!"


  1. KieferSkunk Apr 27 2015 @ 18:10

    Just remember, "YAY" spelled backwards is "YAY". ;)

  2. SlimWhitman Apr 28 2015 @ 01:20

    Sorry i crossed the zz's and yy's on my keyboard! Nice storz "The Bedazzled" ;-)

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