I screamed like a small child, kicked the

  • I screamed like a small child, kicked the hospital walls, and barged the double doors open so hard that they almost flew off. I knew that you can't avoid death, but why does it
  • have to happen to her? "Why? Just why?!?" I screamed. My voice echoed down the sterile hospital hall behind me. I ran. I had to get away from that place. I'd never believe death.
  • Years and many counseling sessions later, I finally figured out that there is an Other Side and that she was there, that'd I'd see her again. I wanted to see her sooner rather than
  • later. I took up the courage, and crossed the street to the Other Side. There she was, working at the "Curl Up and Dye Hair Salon." In 15 years, I maybe said Hi once
  • But i knew today was different, today was the day i was going to ask her out.I just need to know if there was any chance she like me at all the way i like her.
  • So I surreptitiously passed her a note during lunch that read, " I like you. Would you like to be my girlfriend? Check one of the boxes below to answer - [ ] Yes - [ ] No"
  • Before she could write an answer the class clown Fat Jimmy stole the note from her fingers and waved it in the air. Fat Jimmy yelled "Look what I've got
  • It's a folded up piece of paper. And I bet it's got some juicy message from Jenny to Toady I mean Toby. Haha." The sheet was folded horizontally 9 times and each fold had some text
  • on it, though the last two "panels" were blank. Each panel seemed to start where the last left off. Huh, it must be some kind of communal story. So I prepared the ninth panel by
  • appealing to some watery detective who enjoyed a nicely seasoned sea grass sandwich. And that's when I realized I had written a pan-panel and joined the ranks of metafolders.


  1. KieferSkunk Jan 24 2013 @ 13:15

    Chaz wins the prize for Best Hair Salon Name Ever. :)

  2. PurpleProf Jan 24 2013 @ 15:42

    I KNOW! Totally agree KeiferSkunk. I would maybe go there if there was such a place.

  3. Chaz Jan 24 2013 @ 21:10

    I can't take all the credit. For your convenience: http://www.curlupanddye.net/

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