Once upon a time there was a small horse

  • Once upon a time there was a small horse with a big heart

  • less attitude. One day the horse

  • stamped its hooves. "I want a name dammit" it whinied, bearing it's teeth Mr. Edlike. The owner, who shall rename nameless, was also speechless, for his head was missing.

  • The horse looked down at the headless summoner. Nameless, the nightmare left the salted circle and floated to the backyard. A little girl waved as he approached. Nice Pony!

  • The horse lowered itself for Little Sally to mount. "Giddyup Horsey!" she giggled & the creature, sprouting great dark wings, took off into the sky. "Wheee!" Sally had no idea she

  • was about to die. The horse suddenly tucked its wings in, and plummeted into a lake, effectively drowning her. Then it would move on to its next victim. The sweet old man who

  • loved cats was next. The horse flew at the man, knocking him off of the sidewalk, and grabbed him in its mouth, carrying him to the nearest river. As they approached, the man pulle

  • d a major faux pas. "That saddle makes your butt look big," he told the horse, thinking he was being helpful. Insulted, the horse carried the man to a bridge and dropped him in

  • the turgid river. With the rain season almost over, the banks of the river struggled to contain the writhing water. He sank beneath the surface and his horse whinnied in pleasure.

  • What is done cannot be undone. Unlike his body, that man's memory will never be washed out on a muddy shoal downstream. His story will die in my mind. For that horse ...was me.



  1. Woab Jul 17 2019 @ 13:39

    A small horse with a big heart and no name.

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