My stomach keeps grumbling. I think it's

  • My stomach keeps grumbling. I think it's trying to communicate with me.

  • My other organs vied for attention. My heart squeezed out its complaint. My brain rapidly fired signals of alarm. Meanwhile my stomach continued to

  • squirm as i ran through the streets.

  • The squirming stopped eventually, long after my legs had given out and the streets had run out. They must have shot me up with something. I was in a cage again. I wasn't the first.

  • I would've tried to escape from my cage, but my limps were jelly and the sweet smell in the air was making me sweaty. Hours must've passed by because soon I was lying in a lake

  • of limps that had unfurled from my folds in my absence from consciousness. I thrashed about and the whole mass got to whipping about in great confusion! My cage burst open, alimp.

  • Limping, I loped in the open air for the first time in what seemed like ever. I was free! But this wasn't the world I remembered. Everything looked flat and smooth, and there were

  • blood and fist fulls of cut flowers everywhere. I skidded through a puddle of blood, pushing my knotted and filthy hair from my eyes. Something had gone very wrong indeed with the

  • gardening class. One of the students had fallen into the wood chipper. "Well, that would explain it," I said as I calmly walked up and pressed the "STOP" button. The student was OK

  • but would receive a failing grade. I cannot suffer such blatant disregard for the safety rules. And now all the report forms i must fill out, and meetings to attend I need a Gin.



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