As my mind snapped back into reality, I felt

  • As my mind snapped back into reality, I felt the turquoise fluid drain around me. Moments later, I opened my eyes to find myself free of my stasis chamber. Why was I awoken?
  • No audible warning. The other crew were still in stasis. I checked my chambers read out. No malfunction. I donned a suit & breather and took the tube to the bridge. I wasn't alone.
  • Cast by the faint neon glow of the control room floor, was a formless shaking shadow upon the ceiling. No one else was out of the stasis, so who, or what was this?
  • "Yo Quiero Taco Bell" Yes, the chihuahua had invaded our transport. He had torn all of the control panels off looking for hot sauce. I could still only barely move my arms, but I
  • opened the Emergency Taco Rations and threw them in front of the beast, temporarily distracting it. I considered my options as the computer voice announced an impending
  • poo and then I felt the cramps hit me. That's what I get for eating some of those tacos. I sprinted and froze half way to the bathroom, every muscle tightly
  • aimed at keeping my poo inside me. I dared move no more - the slightest twitch could cause me to lose focus AND bowel control. With superhuman will I fought back the urge to soil
  • my neighbor's yard. But I see that my mistress did not bring the poo-poo bags with her and I knew DOGGONE well that the neighborhood association was already suspicious. Sniff
  • ing the air, I took note of the fact that this deed would not go unnoticed. I mean both letting my mistress's dog crap in the neighbor's yard and that my mistress was here, again,
  • was more than I had bargained for. And so, thrusting my nose triumphantly in the air, I walked out, free from this oppressive slavery forever! But then, I thought, "Now what?"


  1. KieferSkunk Oct 31 2012 @ 13:17

    Excellent opening series, there! Straight out of classic sci-fi. :)

  2. PurpleProf Oct 31 2012 @ 13:25

    Uh-hum...see what happens when someone leaves the stasis chamber unlocked?!

  3. SlimWhitman Oct 31 2012 @ 17:38

    There are quite a few interesting scifi stories lurking - few keep to the genre all the way through... Deep Space The Human Palindrome http://foldingstory.com/7vofb/ Mars The Mars Shipment http://foldingstory.com/v7vwu/ Mars Costco http://foldingstory.com/agdfy/ Jherek Manatee http://foldingstory.com/df8xc/ Known space Lord Sandwich http://foldingstory.com/wnsdy/ Riker's beard http://foldingstory.com/sciib/ Vibrophasors http://foldingstory.com/0a8yr/ I'm sure I'm missing other good ones...

  4. PurpleProf Oct 31 2012 @ 19:09

    I'll have to learn more about science fiction from the rest of you...

  5. jaw2ek Oct 31 2012 @ 20:58

    I learned a lot today.

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