If you want happy ever after and kisses on

  • If you want happy ever after and kisses on lips and flowers and violins then stop reading.This story's not for you.
  • Nothing about Mary suggested romance. She was big & hairy, never showered or used deodorant, couldn't talk & had a bad case of acne. Yet, the regulars at the truck stop at exit 87
  • loved her. The truckers would line up for hours on end to get their fortunes ready by her. Mary was a special type of "palm reader". She found this out at a young age when she was
  • able to tell the future of a palm tree by reading its leaves. She could tell you if the tree was going to perish in a hurricane, fire, neglect, or insects. Mary, as a palm reader
  • , did her best to tell the truth re: the palm trees to their tenders. Some of them regretted their queries and glared at her. "We are all here to test each other," Mary thought, as
  • sless chaps would really come in handy now. Mary of course, kept this to herself as she really throttled up her toast, "And here's to the bottom, the hell with the top, if
  • you're gonna take your shirt off, at least make 'em pop!" Everyone pounded their shots and several folks got naked. "Let's stop the video right here Mary. Now, I can understand
  • Why you want fifteen minutes of fame, but not like this." Mary looked like she had taken a magic mushroom and was silent as she got dressed and finally got off the horsehair sofa.
  • Mary jumped on her hairless horse deNudeo and rode like the hot wind of an elephant seal after eating three bean dip. Her future and fame was now in sight. She felt vindicated!
  • This feeling, sadly, was short lived. Her and her weird naked horse died that day, and some say that even now you can still whiff the three bean dip fart that brought them down.


  1. PurpleProf Aug 08 2016 @ 11:45

    LL was right.

  2. lucielucie Aug 08 2016 @ 14:14

    No, it was a miserable team effort :)

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