Many have heard of the Tree of Life. Oh it

  • Many have heard of the Tree of Life. Oh it is important. But no one has heard of the Tree of Wife. It is a giant tree where men go to get their wives, which grow on branches

  • Adam plucked Eve, nearly ripe from the Tree of Wife. She was low hanging fruit, he almost stooped to free her. But the snake, told her they should taste from the Grapes of Gab.

  • "No thanks, she's a woman so she's already gabby enough," Adam answered on Eve's behalf. But of course the dumb bitch couldn't take the hint and ate the grapes anyways. The snake

  • did the snake and when back to the DJ stand. Eden was party rockin' once again! The place had been so dead since

  • that old guy in the sky starting coming around the place. The citizens of Eden were glad they had managed to exercise the deceptive spirit and create a party palace in the groves

  • of knowledge. They decided it would be best to keep the deception going. "God, would you care for a drink?" Eve offered a large glass of wine to the divine being with a smile.

  • A Hand descended and He quaffed the wine. "Thanks Eve. Please accept this gift of whirled peas." Eve & Adam exchanged looks. Then she said "No thanks, but might we trouble you for

  • a couple of fig-leaves, we feel underessed for this house warming." The voice boomed, "You been at my forbidden fruit? That's it. Uriel, show these two party crashers to the door."

  • Fine. We were officially kicked out of the Paradise Trailer Park, for good this time. "Want some apple pie?" Eve crooned, tempting me once again. May as well at this point. We

  • moved into each other's embrace and bit off small portions of the apple pie, just as behind us God and the Snake finished a rowdy game of poker and angrily marched up to us.



  1. jaw2ek Oct 22 2012 @ 14:14

    Theologians want to know why the snake is angry.

  2. Haunted Oct 22 2012 @ 15:23

    Love that god was resurrected the line after he was killed, XD

  3. Fennick Oct 22 2012 @ 16:58

    Yeah, oops. :P

  4. SlimWhitman Oct 22 2012 @ 17:12

    Exergesis of exercise: To exercise liberties with an overbearing deity. As in "exercise the deceptive spirit". The spirit in this case is the wine handed to the deity allowing Adam & Eve to pour new wine and party on.

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